Fashionline Group Australia is a Group Buying organisation…

Made up of approved suppliers engaged in the manufacture, distribution and sales of window furnishings, security products and home improvement products, Fashionline Group uses a buying process that allows several businesses to come together for the purpose of buying at discounted rates.

The idea behind this type of buying is to combine the buying power of all the Fashionline Group Members, and use that volume buying to extend low rates to every member of the group, regardless of that member’s actual usage.

In business, smaller retailers have often used this approach to secure discounted pricing on goods for resale in their stores, allowing them to successfully compete with larger retailers that operate on a national or international basis.

Everyone involved in the group buying effort benefits from the arrangement, which is great. Members of Fashionline Group receive discounts that are based on the total business volume of the collective, rather than just their own volume usage.

Typically, this results in savings that help to reduce operational expenses, even for smaller companies that participate in the group buying, which in turn increases the amount of net profit that the smaller business generates!

At the same time, each member of the Fashionline Group has the ability to offer their customers a wider range of goods and services than would be possible if negotiating pricing with vendors on their own. This is a Win, win!

If you’d like to know more about our Fashionline group membership costs and conditions, get in touch with us here. We would love to hear from you to discuss how group buying could benefit you!